Terms of Service

StudyHorizons Responsibilities

  • Provide the services indicated under the selected packages(s) outlined in StudyHorizons Service Options.
  • Maintain contact with the student’s high school college advisor or teachers to ensure cooperative and consistent service.
  • StudyHorizons does not serve as an agent for any program or institution and does not accept fees from programs or institutions for referrals or placements of clients.  The primary obligation of StudyHorizons is to serve the best interests of the student.

Parent and Student Responsibilities

  • Disclose all aspects of the student’s academic and psychological history, including report cards, official score reports from standardized testing, IEP, and all other relevant information.
  • Maintain regular communication with StudyHorizons.
  • Meet StudyHorizons deadlines for submission of essays for editing and completion of other required documents.
  • Schedule and make college visits, if and when possible.
  • Maintain communication with the student’s high school counselor if college advising services are provided by the school, and follow the requirements of the high school guidance office.
  • Arrange to have official test scores sent to colleges/universities to which the student is applying.
  • Secure required academic and personal recommendations.
  • Complete and submit applications.
  • Ensure that all written parts of the application are the student’s own original work.
  • Monitor the status of applications and notify college enrollment s/universities of the student’s intentions after acceptances have been received.


  • Since the services provided by StudyHorizons are advisory in nature, and the final decision on the selection of colleges/universities to which the student will apply rests solely with the student and his/her family, it is understood that StudyHorizons does not guarantee acceptance to any particular college/university as the result of services provided.
  •  Although gratifying success has been experienced in assisting students in attaining college/university placement, no guarantees are implied.  Since the only person who can  impact the college/university’s ultimate decision is the student him-/herself, designated fees  are payable regardless of whether the student gains acceptance to the colleges/universities  of choice.


  • Payment for requested service options is due in full at the signing of the Terms of Service Agreement.  Bank transfer, PayPal, or cash payments will be accepted.  Please note that a 3% surcharge will be added to PayPal payments.
  • Comprehensive University Planning Package exception – For the convenience of StudyHorizons client families, a three-payment option is available for the Comprehensive Package fee with a 10% service charge.  The first payment (1/3 of total) is due upon the signing of the Terms of  Service Agreement.  The second payment (1/3 of total) is due three months after the signing of the agreement.  The final payment (1/3 of total) is due six months after the signing of the Terms of Service agreement OR before delivery of the college/university recommendation list.
  • College/University Recommendation List exception – For the convenience of StudyHorizons client families, a two-payment option is available for the Recommendation List package fee with a 10% service charge.  The first payment (1/2 of total) is due upon the signing of the Terms of Service agreement.  The second payment (1/2 of total)  is due three months after the signing of this agreement OR before the delivery of the College/University Recommendation List.
  • In order for service to continue, payment must be received by indicated due dates.